Sunday 5 February 2017

Two images of eight year old american girl, Nawar al-Awlaki, killed by US forces in Yemen (Jan 29th, '17)

US forces are now targeting civilians in Yemen, as evidenced by the US raid in Yemen in which upwards of 20 civilians were killed. --------------------- Eight year old Nawar was one of the victims, in a clearly deliberate attack. --------------------- Her brother was killed on the same night by a US drone, also in Yemen. --------------------- Their father was killed by a US drone in Yemen in Sept 2011. -------------------- One US soldier was killed during the operation, and a Osprey tilt rotor transport had to be destroyed, after it was damaged on landing in Yemen.

1 comment:

  1. 1/29/2017 Just 5 days after his inaug tRump signed off on the wholesale slaughter of 30 people in Yemen. a US Navy Seal was killed & at least ten women and children in American commando unit attack right out of Killery Obomber war crimes play book in stark betrayal of those of us that thought we were voting for a new regime. 8 yr old Nawar Al-Awlaki is the daughter of US-born preacher Anwar Al-Awlaki who was the first American citizen to be assassinated in a US drone strike in 2011, decried by civil rights groups as an extrajudicial execution that denied him his right to a fair trial. Two weeks later his 16-year-old son Abdulrahman was killed in another US drone strike. -ALL USA CITIZENS - W/OUT TRIAL! Nawar’s uncle and former Yemeni Deputy Minister of the Environment and Water Resources, Ammar Al-Aulaqi said: “[Nawar] was shot several times, with one bullet piercing her neck.
    She was bleeding for two hours because it was not possible to get her medical attention.” US military officials told Reuters that Trump approved the Clinton Obama plan without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations. NOTE: The difference between Gaza and USA is that the Gazans can walk about in open air prison while being shot by Israelis. Americhickens are more and more not allowed to walk about in their open air prison and shoot each other.

    4/6/2017 Instead of investigating Clitdom war crimes, like he promised, tRump bombs Syria airport hrs after Floating Turd Hitlery Clitdom publicly orders it. The pretext was Assad using Sarin on Syrian civilians. The Truth is that Killery was covertly transferring Sarin and other weapons from Benghazi to ISIS in Syria via Turkey.

    9/18/17 House Demoncraps Join GOP to Hand Trump the largest war chest in world history a $738 Billion Military Budget brokered by Rump's SIL Jared Kushner amounting to almost 3 times the cost of WW2. Congresswoman Major Tulsi Gabbard had an amendment that she called her “No More Presidential Wars” resolution. It was removed before the House vote. The Senate Democrats who voted against war trough were Senators Gillibrand, Markey, Merkley, and Wyden. Dissenting Republicans were Senators Braun, Enzi, Lee, and Paul. Democratic 2020 CANDIDAS Booker, Harris, Klobuchar, Warren, & Sanders hid. - washingtonexaminer. The number of world population that have been bombed out of their homes by USA is equal to the population of USA. Countries that survive generations of bombing & sanctions are not "failed states". Countries that prostrate their economies to COVERT 19 are
