#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 31 October 2016
Zinki movement freedom fighters fire a tank round at shiite terrorists in Menyan (31/10/16) pic.twitter.com/p8qbtB3Wqa
Monday, 31 October 2016
Zinki movement freedom fighters fire a tank round at shiite terrorists in Menyan (31/10/16)
Syrian '23rd Division' freedom fighters fire Grad and Iranian 107mm rockets at foreign shiite terrorists in N Hama (30/10/16)
#Syria #Hama #FSA
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 31 October 2016
Syrian '23rd Division' freedom fighters fire Grads toward positions held by foreign shiite terrorists in N #Hama pic.twitter.com/0xN9HwOQ6D
#Syria #Hama #FSA
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 31 October 2016
A Syrian '23rd Division' freedom fighter fires the remaining 107mm rockets on an abandoned Iranian Safir jeep pic.twitter.com/wmddwRxrbw
Syrian Ansar Al-Din freedom fighters assault in shiite terrorist held Mnaaan (31/10/16)
#BattleForAleppo #Aleppo #Syria #GoPro
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 31 October 2016
Syrian Ansar Al-Din freedom fighters assault into shiite terrorist held Mnaan pic.twitter.com/iYH6DjxyHB
JFS revolutionaries assault to the shiite terrorist's carton factory stronghold (28/10/16)
#AleppoHeroes #BattleForAleppo #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 31 October 2016
JFS revolutionaries fighting to capture the shiite terrorist carton factory stronghold (28/10/16) pic.twitter.com/R9EOS6lpWd
JFS revolutionaries prepare to assault the shiite terrorist infested 3000 project complex (30/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 31 October 2016
JFS revolutionaries prepare to assault the shiite terrorist infested 3000 project complex (30/10/16) pic.twitter.com/6IPtFq0eXW
'Southern Front' rebels shell shiite terrorists in Abtaa with a D-30 122mm, and a M-46 130mm howitzer (30/10/16)
#Syria #Abtaa #Daraa
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 31 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters shell shiite terrorists in Abtaa with a D-30 122mm and a M-46 130mm howitzer (30/10/16) pic.twitter.com/BiDFAmXTHJ
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grads into the shiite terrorist infested 3000 project complex in western Aleppo (30/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 31 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grads into the shiite terrrorist infested 3000 project complex in west #Aleppo pic.twitter.com/7pvBux1w5S
Fastaqem Union freedom fighters fire mortar rounds into the Al-Assad military academy (30/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 31 October 2016
Fastaqem Union Syrian freedom fighters fire mortar rounds into the Al-Assad military academy (30/10/16) pic.twitter.com/YF0PenjlXY
A drone records one of TIPs martyrdom attacks against Iranian controlled terrorosts in Aleppo's 1070 apartment project (30/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo #Drone
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 31 October 2016
A drone records a TIP martyrdom attack against shiite terrorists in the 1070 complex on 30/10/16 pic.twitter.com/TIS87P7iya
Sunday, 30 October 2016
A captured PKK kurdish terrorist simpleton is made to sing Turkey's national anthem
#PKKTerrorists #Syria #PKK #USA#Turkey
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
A captured Kurdish PKK terrorist simpleton is made to sing Turkey's national anthem pic.twitter.com/pscE2aAQuE
Iranian Islamic revolutionary terrorists drop bombs from an Mi-24 on the civilians of Khan Al-Shih
#Syria #IranianTyranny #TerrorAttacks
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Iranian Islamic revolutionary terrorists use a Mi-24 to bomb civilians in Khan Al-Shih pic.twitter.com/LVi2a62VRf
A Syrian Fastaqem Union freedom fighter destroys a shiite terrorists ATGM launcher and missile, in the 3000 project complex (30/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters destroy a shiite terrorist's ATGM launcher & missile in the 3000 project complex pic.twitter.com/7jzrT25aw6
Syrian freedom fighters conduct an abortive assault into shiite terrorist infested Al-Zahraa (29/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters conduct a abortive assault in shiite terrorist infested Al-Zahraa: west #Aleppo pic.twitter.com/cuya87VHvb
A 1st Coastal Division freedom fighter destroys shiite terrorists with a TOW ATGM round: northern Latakia (30/10/16)
#Syria #Latakia
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
1st Coastal Division freedom fighters destroy foreign shiite terrorists with a TOW ATGM round (30/10/16) pic.twitter.com/k0PczB8HsR
A Syrian sharpshooter destroys an assad regime gang member in western Aleppo (30/10/16)
#Aleppo #BattleForAleppo #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
An assad regime gang member is destroyed by a Syrian freedom fighter sharpshooter pic.twitter.com/UoSjoNenad
Fastaqem Union freedom fighters fire mortar rounds and 130mm shells into the shiite terrorist infested 3000 project complex in western Aleppo (30/10/16)
#Syria #Aleppo #BattleForAleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Fastaqem Union freedom fighters fire mortar rounds and 130mm shells at the 3000 project complex pic.twitter.com/cGNPS2YmDF
A 'Southern Front' Liwa Al-Muhajireen TOW operator gets a hit on an regime berm building earthmover (30/10/16)
#Syria #Daraa #SouthernFront
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
A 'Southern Front' rebel gets a hit on an assad regime berm building earthmover, with a TOW ATGM pic.twitter.com/iIKjweTZnw
Ahrar Al-Sham freedom fighters assault towards a forward defense line of the shiite terrorists in western Aleppo (28/10/16)
#AhrarAlSham #BattleForAleppo #Syria #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Ahrar Al-Sham freedom fighters assault towards a shiite terrorists forward defense line pic.twitter.com/7gFzrw3t5g
Tehran's Iraqi puppet soldiers experience two road side bombs
#Iraq #MosulOps #MosulOffensive #Mosul
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Tehran's Iraqi puppet soldiers experience two roadside bombs pic.twitter.com/Bh9cMdHWsZ
Iranian controlled terrorists wait for Iraqi puppet army air support from a Mi-35, and Bell 407
#Iraq #MosulOps #MosulOffensive
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Iranian controlled terrorists wait for Iraqi puppet army air support, from a Mi-35 and Bell 407 pic.twitter.com/sX5Ad4mjg4
Syrian freedom fighters fire improvised Ansar-5 rockets into the al-assad military academy (29/10/16)
#Aleppo #BattleForAleppo #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire Ansar-5 improvised rockets into the Al-Assad outpost in west #Aleppo pic.twitter.com/zwZWhyd99j
Syrian Fastaqem freedom fighters fire Grads into the shiite terrorist occupied 3000 apartment project (30/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Syrian Fastaqem freedom fighters fire Grads into the shiite terrorist occupied 3000 apartment project pic.twitter.com/m3Z9YBwbfI
Syrian freedom fighters seen in complete control of the western approach road to Al-Zahraa
#BattleForAleppo #Syria #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters in complete control of the western gate approach road to Al-Zahraa (28/10/16) pic.twitter.com/1cTxSlkvXQ
Daesh ATGM operators get four hits on vehicles of Tehran's Iraqi puppet forces
#Iraq #MosulOps #MosulOffensive #Daesh
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Daesh ATGM operators get four hits on Tehran's Iraqi puppet army vehicles pic.twitter.com/BlRUuP2iii
A Syrian freedom fighter provides fire support with a auto-cannon technical for his comrades against the foreign shiite terrorists in western Aleppo
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
A Syrian freedom fighter provides fire support for his comrades with an auto-cannon, in western #Aleppo pic.twitter.com/dZtRDdS7iR
Daesh ATGM operators get hits on a Abrams, and a IFV of Tehran's Iraqi puppet forces
#MosulOps #Iraq #MosulOffensive
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 30 October 2016
Daesh gets hits on an Abrams & a IFV of Tehran's Iraqi puppets with 9K111 rounds pic.twitter.com/VJrVgAdskE
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters shell shiite terrorists positions with a D-30 122mm field gun (29/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters shell Al-Zahraa with a D-30 122mm field gun (29/10/16) pic.twitter.com/ChWJNEe3F9
A martyrdom attack is conducted against the foreigh shiite terrorists in Al-Zahraa (29/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
A martyrdom attack conducted against Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists in Al-Zahraa (29/10/16) pic.twitter.com/e8aMAP6uzZ
A low res recording of a crashed US Predator drone in Helmand province
#Afghanistan #Taliban #Drone
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
A low res recording of a crashed US Predator drone in #Helmand province pic.twitter.com/XxwrS83Dvy
A bulldozer bomb is used to destroy a defensive barrier outside of western Aleppo (28/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
A bulldozer bomb is used to destroy a shiite terrorist's defensive barrier in western Aleppo (28/10/16) pic.twitter.com/rXLqwm8RIr
A Ahrar Al-Sham drone captures the detonation of a rocket fired by shiite terrorists in Aleppo's Al-Assad area (29/10/16)
#Syria #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
A Ahrar Al-Sham drone captures the detonation of a rocket fired by shiite terrorists into the Al-Assad area of west #Aleppo pic.twitter.com/BMPmdhPbfD
Asala wa-Al-Tanmiya freedom fighters record their attacks on the western Aleppo Gate (28/10/16)
Two vehicle bomb attacks which helped to cleanse Maniyan of foreign shiite terrorists (29/10/16)
#Aleppo #BattleForAleppo #AleppoVictory #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Two martyrdom attacks which helped to cleanse #Maniyan of foreign shiite terrrorists pic.twitter.com/Y0pgdgJhnD
Syrian freedom fighters bring a rare captured T-62 into action to shell shiite terrorists in western Aleppo (29/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #AleppoVictory
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters bring a rare captured T-62 into action to shell shiite terrorists positions pic.twitter.com/2xagLlszJg
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #AleppoVictory
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters bring a rare captured T-62 into action to shell a shiite terrorists outpost pic.twitter.com/wWtPdCR1iM
A Free Idlib Army TOW operator attacks a shiite terrorist's ATGM position on the Aleppo military academy (29/10/16)
#Aleppo #BattleForAleppo #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
A Free Idlib Army TOW operator attacks a shiite terrorist's ATGM position on the Aleppo military academy pic.twitter.com/6Tq4HucT6L
Syrian freedom fighters fire improvised mortar rounds into the Aleppo military academy (29/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #AleppoVictory
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire hell improvised mortar rounds into the #Aleppo military academy pic.twitter.com/NqJFSYUxst
Sultan Murad Brigade freedom fighters fire Grads towards the foreign shiite terrorists in western Aleppo (28/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Sultan Murad Brigade freedom fighters fire Grads against foreign shiite terrorists in western Aleppo pic.twitter.com/lhDtsSOGXt
Sham Front freedom fighters go into action against Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists in western Aleppo (28/10/16)
#Syria #BattleOfAleppo #Aleppo #AleppoVictory
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Sham Front freedom fighters go into action against Tehran's terror gangs in western Aleppo pic.twitter.com/qQrFKKVcWQ
A Sultan Murad Brigade freedom fighter silences a 23mm auto-cannon operated by Tehran's terrorists: western Aleppo (29/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #AleppoVictory
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
A Sultan Murad Brigade TOW operator silences an auto-cannon operated by Tehran's terrorists pic.twitter.com/SR4UOPNpKV
Syrian freedom fighters provide fire support against Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists with a 122mm and 130mm howitzer (28/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters provide fire support against Tehran's terrorists with 122mm and 130mm howitzers pic.twitter.com/n2iU8n6hbN
Syrian 1st Coastal Division freedom fighters fire Grads towards Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists in N Latakia (27/10/16)
#Syria #Latakia #1stCoastalDivision
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Syrian 1st Coastal Division freedom fighters fire Grads towards Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists pic.twitter.com/N95mR9R3Mu
A Syrian Ansar Al-Din freedom fighter provides fire support against shiite terrorists in western Aleppo (28/10/16)
#BattleForAleppo #Syria #Aleppo #EpicAleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
A Syrian Ansar Al-Din freedom fighter provides fire support with a quad cannon pic.twitter.com/0AvxeLiJZj
A brief recording of a Jabhat Al-Sham T-55 advancing against the shiite terrorists in Al-Zahraa (28/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo #EpicAleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
A brief Go Pro recording of a Jabhat Al-Sham T-55 advancing in western Aleppo (28/10/16) pic.twitter.com/0up0nwlTB7


Syrian freedom fighters fire Grads in support of the ground assault against Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists in western Aleppo (28/10/16)
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo #EpicAleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grads towards the foreign shiite terrorists in western Aleppo pic.twitter.com/lqhiFpH0I0
#Syria #BattleForAleppo #Aleppo #EpicAleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 29 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire more Grads against foreign shiite terrorists in western Aleppo pic.twitter.com/cPiyQ3FZSM
A Ahrar Al-Sham tank advances towards the foreign shiite terrorists in western Aleppo (28/10/16)
#AleppoVictory #Aleppo #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
A Go Pro view of a Ahrar Al-Sham tank advancing towards the foreign shiite terrorists in western Aleppo pic.twitter.com/uXLOYGlFCo
Friday, 28 October 2016
Daesh terrorists drive Tehran's Iraqi puppet army from a checkpoint
#Iraq #MosulOps #MosulOffensive
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Daesh terrorists drive Tehran's Iraqi army puppets from a checkpoint, and capture an armoured vehicle pic.twitter.com/dwhUhLOieS
A Saudi aircraft destroys Houthi shiite terrorists who are setting up a missile
#Iran #Yemen #HouthiTerrorists
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Tehran's Houthi shiite terrorists are destroyed as they set up a large missile in #Najran province pic.twitter.com/wRVnBm5tkC
Syrian freedom fighters add weight to the fire support for the comrades assaulting the foreign shiite terrorists in western Aleppo (28/10/16)
#BattleForAleppo #Syria #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters bring positions held by Tehran;s foreign shiite terrorists under attack pic.twitter.com/iO83kbLtvJ
Syrian freedom fighters fire LAVA rockets and mortars into the Aleppo military academy (28/10/16)
#BattleForAleppo #Aleppo #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire LAVA rockets at the military academy in western Aleppo (28/10/16) pic.twitter.com/AyXu2WQgMC
A Jaish Al-Nasr TOW operator destroys shiite terrorists who are operating a heavy MG (28/10/16)
#Hama #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
A Jaish Al-Nasr TOW ATGM operator destroys shiite terrorists who are operating a heavy MG at the Sadou checkpoint pic.twitter.com/rsrDaHFjO3
A graphic showing the locations of the six martyrdom attacks on shiite terrorists defensive barriers and outposts in western Aleppo (28/10/16)

Syrian freedom fighters advance into Dahia Al-Assad (28/10/16)
#EpicAleppo #Syria #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters advance into shiite terrorist held Dahia Al-Assad (28/10/16) pic.twitter.com/bclySBT4oe
A martydom attack conducted with a modified T-55 against a shiite terrorist's defensive barrier in Al-Assad (28/10/16)
#Syria #EpicAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
A martyrdom attack conducted against shiite terrorists in Al-Assad district of Aleppo (28/10/16) pic.twitter.com/4cubcEiKUl
Syrian Jaish Al-Islam freedom fighters fire battlefield, and Elephant rockets into Aleppo military academy (28/10/16)
#EpicAleppo #Aleppo #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Syrian Jaish Al-Islam freedom fighters fire battlefield, and Elephant rockets into Aleppo military academy pic.twitter.com/0iaJXeeDdJ
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grad rockets towards positions occupied by Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists in Aleppo
#Syria #EpicAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grads towards Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists in Aleppo City pic.twitter.com/g4QwdtMRPW
Syrian Levant Front freedom fighters put a 9K111 ATGM round into a shiite terrorist's ATGM position in Al-Zahraa (28/10/16)
#Syria #EpicAleppo #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Levant Front freedom fighters attack a shiite terrorist's ATGM position with a 9K111 ATGM round pic.twitter.com/XMfdgNveFA
Syrian Faylaq Al-Sham freedom fighters advance into shiite terrorist held Al-Assad district (28/10/16)
#Syria #Aleppo #SyriaCrisis
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Syrian Faylaq Al-Sham freedom fighters assault into the Al-Assad district of Aleppo (28/10/16) pic.twitter.com/UL9nE9g2J1
Syrian Faylaq Al-Sham freedom fighters fire Grads towards foreign shiite terrorists in Al-Zahraa (28/10/16)
#Syria #Aleppo #WarOnIran
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Syrian Sham Front freedom fighters fire Grads towards shiite terrorists in Al-Zahraa pic.twitter.com/pcVJXT0b7r
An assad terror regime defensive barrier is struck by a vehicle bomb in western Aleppo (28/10/16)
#Aleppo #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Assad terror regime defensive barrier is struck by a vehicle bomb (28/10/16)
in western Aleppo pic.twitter.com/nox7DOySWG
Syrian Sham Front freedom fighters battle Daesh terrorists in Tel Ali and Kerbajli villages (27/10/16)
#Syria #Aleppo #EuphratesShield #Daesh
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Sham front freedom fighters battle Deash terrorists in Tel Ali and Kerbajli villages pic.twitter.com/TTpk2EIwMO
Syrian freedom fighters in heavy fighting with Daesh terrorists (27/10/16)
#Syria #EuphratesShield #FSA #Aleppo #Daesh
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Syrian fighters in heavy fighting with Daesh terrorists in northern Aleppo Governorate pic.twitter.com/isLqumsBpy
An SPG-9 gunner gets a very difficult hit on an assad terror regime with BMP, (with slo mo)
#Syria #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
A SPG-9 gunner gets a lucky hit on an assad BMP (with slo mo) pic.twitter.com/dUSF9KLxey
Syrian Sultan Murad Brigade freedom fighters continue to advance against Daesh during Euphrates Shield (27/10/16)
#Syria #Aleppo #EuphratesShield
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Sultan Murad Brigade freedom fighters continue the advance against Daesh
in northern Aleppo pic.twitter.com/XGDIm75V1v
Syrian Jaish Al-Islam freedom fighters recover ground after an incursion by a gang of foreign shiite terrorists
#Syria #EasternGhouta #SyriaCrisis
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 28 October 2016
Jaish Al-Islam freedom fighters recovering ground after an incursion by foreign shiite terrorists pic.twitter.com/l0Fbi7AGmC
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Putin's terrorists drop white phosphorous on a village north of Homs city
#Syria #RussianTerrorism #Homs #PutinIsATerrorist #SyriaCrisis
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
Russian terrorists drop white phosphorous on a village north of Homs pic.twitter.com/QSFMSHIqLj
Putin's terrorists use cluster bombs on Khan Al-Shih (S W Damascus)
#Aleppo #SyriaCrisis #PutinTerrorism
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
Russian terrorists drop cluster bombs on Khan Al-Shih
(S W Damascus) pic.twitter.com/eYXiztgum8
Iranian puppet forces fire a large IRAM (south of Mosul)
#Iraq #MosulOps #MosulOffensive
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
Iranian puppet forces fire a large IRAM
IRAMs were developed by Iran to attack US bases in Iraq pic.twitter.com/hVgREQJ0TV
Iran's terrorists drop parachute retarded bombs on another town in northern Hama (27/10/16)
#Syria #Hama #SyriaCrisis
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
Iran's terrorists drop parachute retarded bombs on another town in N #Hama pic.twitter.com/8Br4mZdwPB
Lightly armed Syrian freedom fighters attempt to defend Souran from Tehran's terror gangs (27/10/16)
Abu Amaraa Brigade freedom fighters resist foreign shiite terrorists in the Heshkal area of Saladin (26/10/16)
#Syria #SyriaCrisis #Aleppo
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
Abu Amaraa Brigade freedom fighters resist foreign shiite terrorists in Saladin, #Aleppo pic.twitter.com/szPD2yzON9
Intense anti-armour combat between Syrian freedom fighters and assad terror forces
#Syria #SyriaCrisis #CombatFootage
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
Pt 1) Intense anti tank warfare between Syrian freedom fighters and assad terror forces pic.twitter.com/qt2mbYRxeC
#Syria #CombatFootage #SyriaCrisis
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
Pt 2) Intense anti-armour warfare between Syrian freedom fighters and assad terror forces pic.twitter.com/QrUcO43xEF
Syrian Abu Amaraa Brigade sharpshooters bring Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists under attack in Aleppo City
#Syria #Aleppo #Sniper
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
Syrian sharpshooters bring foreign shiite terrorists under attack in #Aleppo
Some hits...some misses pic.twitter.com/cI1T5kYjvV
#Syria #SyriaCrisis #Sniper
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters conduct attacks on Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists in #Aleppo pic.twitter.com/EkpSAaGYV8
Syrian sharpshooters conduct attacks on foreign shiite terrorists in Aleppo City
#Syria #Aleppo #Sniper
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
Syrian sharpshooters bring Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists in #Aleppo under attack
Some hits, some misses pic.twitter.com/HyK2tgwQ76
A foreign shiite terrorist is destroyed by a Syrian sharpshooter in Aleppo
#Syria #Aleppo #Sniper
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 27 October 2016
A Syrian sharpshooter destroys a foreign shiite terrorist manning a light machine gun pic.twitter.com/8FdmTmU6Ed
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
A Daesh terrorist is wearing a Go Pro as he dies in battle with Kurd terrorists in Northern Raqqa
#Syria #CombatFootage
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
A Daesh terrorist is wearing a Go Pro as he dies in battle with kurd terrorists pic.twitter.com/EzutTqX8JH
1st Coastal Division freedom fighters fire rounds from M46 howitzer to shiite terrorist occupied Kinsabba
#Syria #Latakia #1stCoastalDivision
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
1st Coastal Division fire rounds from a captured M46 howitzer at shiite terrorist occupied Kinsabba pic.twitter.com/vGD1qPEG0d
A Jaish Al-Nasr freedom fighter gets a hit on an assad regime BMP in Jobar (26/10/16)
#Syria, #Jobar
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
A Jaish al-Nasr freedom fighter fires a recoilless rifle round at a moving assad BMP in #Jobar pic.twitter.com/Qtke0TFIu6
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grads towards assad gang members in Rabiah, N Hama (26/10/16)
#Syria #Hama
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grads towards assad gang members in Rabiah, N #Hama pic.twitter.com/l5S1ewr2zK
Syrian freedom fighters use a Kornet ATGM round to destroy shiite terrorists on a rooftop
#Syria #Aleppo #Hama
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters use a Kornet ATGM round to destroy shiite terrorists on a rooftop pic.twitter.com/8pnUMQWOIM
CCTV records the blast effect of a russian terror attack on a hospital in Syria
#Syria #PutinIsATerrorist #RussianWarCrimes #CCTV
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
CCTV records the blast effect of a russian terror raid on a Syrian hospital pic.twitter.com/jU6h8xnNln
Russian terrorists drop a parachute bomb on the school complex at Hass: Idlib Governorate (26/10/16)
#Syria #Idlib #PutinIsATerrorist #Hass
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
A russian parachute bomb detonates over the school complex in Hass, #Idlib
Oct 26th, '16 pic.twitter.com/yqRVnvWrZg
#ادلب #فيديوغراف
— Step News Agency (@Step_Agency) 26 October 2016
#شاهد : هناك كانوا يدرسون ويلعبون حتى جاء #الاسد !!#يوتيوب : https://t.co/DmzQC5ipIr#خطوة_الإخبارية #Step_News pic.twitter.com/Sx7WnnuL0q
A Fastaqem Union freedom fighter destroys shiite terrorists with a TOW ATGM (26/10/16)
#Syria #Aleppo #Hama
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
A Fastaqem Union freedom fighter destroys shiite terrorists with a TOW ATGM in #Aleppo pic.twitter.com/pOFvnBrWD1
A Jaish Al-Izza TOW operator attacks a shiite terrorist ATGM operator on a rooftop, with a TOW ATGM: near Souran (26/10/16)
#Syria #Hama
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
A Syrian freedom fighter attacks a shiite terrorist Konkurs ATGM operator on a rooftop, with a TOW ATGM round, near #Souran pic.twitter.com/CejemGyFml
Syrian freedom fighters resist Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists on the Saladin front line (26/10/16)
#Syria #Aleppo #FreeSyrianArmy
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
Syrian patriots resist Tehran's terrorists on the Saladin front line pic.twitter.com/gpm7qe8MqA
Syrian Sham Front freedom fighters conduct operations agianst foreign shiite terrorists in Aleppo (25/10/16)
#Syria #Aleppo #ShamFront
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
Syrian Sham Front freedom fighters use a captured T-55, and a Browning MG against foreign shiite terrorists pic.twitter.com/491xT9FkvY
#Syria #Aleppo #ShamFront
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
Syrian Sham Front freedom fighters fire a tank round into a building housing shiite terrorist snipers pic.twitter.com/EkJjg1IoHQ
Daesh terrorists assault into Iranian controlled Ar-Rutbah
#Iraq #ArRutbah #IslamicRevolution
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
Daesh terrorists assault into Iranian controlled Ar-Rutbah pic.twitter.com/RymbLEXjGu
Shiite terrorists in a pick-up are attacked with a TOW ATGM round, near Maan village (24/10/16)
#Syria #Hama #TOWATGM
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
Shiite terrorists in a pick-up are attacked with a TOW ATGM, near Maan village pic.twitter.com/CctgiKa3fY
A Kurdish terrorist is caught like a rat in trap under the Bineceğiz hills
#KurdTerrorists #PKKTerrorists #Turkey #Kurds #Syria #PKK
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
A Kurdish terrorist is caught like rat in a trap under the Bineceğiz hills pic.twitter.com/yzKsgDAQsi
An image of a Putin terrorist awarding medals to a gang of Assad's Palestinian terrorists

Tehran's foreign shiite terror gangs lose another tank outside Ma'ardes to a Jaish Al-Nasr TOW ATGM (25/10/16)
#Syria #Hama
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters get a hit on a tank operated by foreign shiite terrorists outside #Maardes with a #TOW ATGM pic.twitter.com/i9GO0eOTGa
Syrian freedom fighters fire mortars against forward positions occupied by foreign shiite terrorists in N Hama (23/10/16)
#Syria #SyriaCrsis #Hama
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 26 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire mortar rounds at a shiite terrorist occupied outpost in N #Hama pic.twitter.com/6Xs2o4PKkO
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Kurd terrorists destroy an approaching Daesh terrorist's vehicle bomb
#Iraq #MosulOffensive #MosulOps
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 25 October 2016
Kurd terrorists destroy an incoming Daesh terrorist's vehicle bomb pic.twitter.com/Wcm2wN1ol2
Al-Safwah battalion sharpshooters brings Tehran's shiite terrorists under attack in eastern Aleppo
#Aleppo #Syria #Sniper
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 25 October 2016
Al-Safwah battalion sharpshooters bring shiite terrorists under attack in eastern Aleppo pic.twitter.com/BEKNa2fZ8J
1st Coastal Division freedom fighters destroy a shiite terrorist's hilltop position on Tallat Rashu, with a T-55 (24/10/16)
#Syria #Latakia #1stCoastalDivision
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 25 October 2016
1st Coastal Division freedom fighters destroy a hill top observation post on Tallat Rashu with a T-55 pic.twitter.com/ZsLXaEdCLt
Monday, 24 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters move equipment to the Aleppo battlefront for the coming battle against Tehran's hordes
#Syria #Aleppo #FSA
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 24 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters move equipment to the Aleppo City battle front pic.twitter.com/zWRigDZWaa
A Syrian 'Army of Victory' freedom fighter attacks a shiite terrorist's rooftop position, with a 9K111 round: N Hama (24/10/16)
#Syria #Hama
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 24 October 2016
Syrian Army of Victory freedom fighters attack a shiite terrorists rooftop position with a 9K111 ATGM round pic.twitter.com/hFjHPtUaAx
An Iraqi puppet army M1A1M Abrams tank is knocked out by Daesh terrorists (24/10/16)
#Iraq #MosuIOps #MosulOffensive #Daesh terrorists knock out an Iraqi puppet Army M1A1M Abrams tank, south of Mosul pic.twitter.com/uUxeefMkRX
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 24 October 2016




US forces treat Kurd terrorists injured by Daesh terrorists
#Iraq #Mosul
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 24 October 2016
US forces treat Kurd terrorists who were injured by Daesh terrorists pic.twitter.com/BnXNDnJl91
Kurd terrorists face another Daesh car bomb attack: Bashiqa village (Oct 23rd, '16)
#Iraq #MosulOps #MosulOffensive
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 24 October 2016
Kurd terrorists face another Daesh terrorist car bomb attack in Bashiqa pic.twitter.com/ImPZKKvsS1
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grad rockets at shiite terrorist occupied Neirab airport (23/10/16)
#Aleppo #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 24 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grads at shiite terrorist occupied Neirab airport pic.twitter.com/5KtzTVZYsG
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grads into shiite terrorist occupied Neirab airport (Oct 22nd, '16)
#Aleppo #Syria #SyriaCrisis
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 24 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters fire Grads at shiite terrorist occupied Neirab airport pic.twitter.com/VurOj32qVl
Tehran's Iraqi puppet soldiers dodge a large piece of shrapnel after an explosion
#Iraq #Mosul #MosulOps
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 24 October 2016
Tehran's Iraqi puppet soldiers dodge a large piece of shrapnel after an explosion pic.twitter.com/dMKxCvhvhz
Sunday, 23 October 2016
Al-Rahman Corps freedom fighters resist assad gang members in Jobar (22/10/16)
#Syria #Damascus #Jobar #Drone
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 23 October 2016
Al-Rahman Corps freedom fighters in action against assad regime gang members in Jobar pic.twitter.com/sP1MuVOghk
Taliban fighters display captured Afghan puppet soldiers in Tarinkot (18+)
#Afghanistan #Taliban #Uruzgan#Taliban fighters display captured Afghan puppet soldiers in Tarinkot (18+) pic.twitter.com/XuEodWiyb1
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 23 October 2016
Southern Front fighters engaging in a rare skirmish with assad regime gangs near Abtaa (22/10/16)
US backed Communist Kurd terrorists blow up another Turkish Army vehicle near Mardin (14/10/16)
#KurdTerrorists #EuphratesShield #SyriaCrisis #PKK #AmericaFirst
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 23 October 2016
US backed Kurd communist terrorists blow up another Turkish Army vehicle pic.twitter.com/C2FwyVcVCY
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Daesh terrorists capture US vehicles abandoned by shiite terrorists in Hamdaniyah (22/1/016)
#Iraq #Daesh #Mosul #MosulOps
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 22 October 2016
Daesh terrorists captured US vehicles which were abandoned by shiite terrorists in Hamdaniyah pic.twitter.com/D3cASS6y8n
A Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham sharpshooter destroys a Daesh sniper in Yarmouk Camp (22/10/16)
#Syria #Damascus #Yarmouk
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 22 October 2016
A Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham sharpshooter destroys a Daesh sniper in #Yarmouk pic.twitter.com/ewYIXn5nw3
Syrian freedom fighters begin battling the US/Russian backed Communist Kurdish terrorists outside Shiekh Eisa (21/10/16)
#Aleppo #EuphratesShield #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 22 October 2016
Syrian freedom fighters battle US/Russian backed kurdish terrorists outside Sheikh Eisa pic.twitter.com/LYe3Fj8rI1
A foreign shiite terrorist flees as a TOW ATGM round approaches his Kornet launcher in Ma'ardes (22/10/16)
#Syria #Hama
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 22 October 2016
A shiite terrorist flees as a #TOW ATGM round approaches his Kornet launcher in #Maardeshttps://t.co/SK1tLJKTfb pic.twitter.com/nD6tMNfept

Mujahideen Army freedom fighters attack shiite terrorist's sniper positions in Aleppo's Al-Assad area (21/10/16)
#Syria #MujahideenArmy
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 22 October 2016
Syrian Mujahideen Army freedom fighters attack shiite terrorist's sniper positions with SPG-9 rounds in #Aleppo pic.twitter.com/nb3HMXlc63
A gang of foreign shiite terrorists are destroyed by a Jaish Al-Izza TOW ATGM round, near Souran (21/10/16)
#Syria #Hama
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 22 October 2016
A gang of Tehran's shiite terrorists are destroyed by a TOW ATGM near Souran in N #Hama https://t.co/SK1tLJKTfb pic.twitter.com/v4qFn3nhOF
US backed Kurd communist terrorists blow up a Turkish CP
#Syria #KurdishTerrorism
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 22 October 2016
US backed Kurd communist terrorists conduct a suicide bomb attack against Turkish a CPhttps://t.co/SK1tLJKTfb pic.twitter.com/oqa1jH127S
Heroes of the Free Syrian Army begin gathering for the coming attack on Tehran's gangs of foreign shiite terrorists who besiege eastern Aleppo (21/10/16)
#Syria #Aleppo #FSA
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 22 October 2016
Heroes of the Free Syrian Army begin gathering for the attack on Tehran's foreign shiite terrorists in Aleppo City pic.twitter.com/HqQfl5UscV
Yarmouk Army freedom fighters come under attack from assad terror raiders
#Yarmouk #Syria
— Levant War (@Levant_War) 22 October 2016
Assad terrorists drop bombs near Syrian freedom fighters pic.twitter.com/1PMiDZPDKQ